Thursday, August 04, 2005

ICT Classes for Intellect Image Members

From the July monthly meeting a decision been taken by all members that to update each and every members ICT knowledge. In order to achieve this target, ICT classes organised for members of Intellect Image. The Classes were started on 2005.07.27 at The temporary office, which is situated in Second division, Pottuvil. This classes were organised by the Information & Communication Unit of Intellect Image. It is revealed most of the members are more keen in knowing latest technological update of ICT. Intellect Image have no own computer. The practical classes were held with a computer that owned by one of our team member. ICT Unit expecting well wisher to fullfil the needs that to enhance the ICT knowledge among members. ICT Unit of Intellect Image have vision to extend the ICT knowledge among students, but this idea is not been activated because lack of resources. If you could help us by telling your hope on our Mailbox can found at